Delete-Select-Duplicate-Records-by-CTE-in-SQL-SERVER 2005

Saturday, February 28, 2009 |

Delete Duplicate records from table with CTE. As I explain in my previous article that selecting and deleting duplicate records could be done by several ways so this is another way to do the same.

Well, you can use the same table structure and record sets given in my previous article on the nearly same topic.

Once you create table given in above link, you can use the below given query for selecting or deleting records.

WITH DeleteDuplicateRecords AS


select Fname,id,Row_number() over (partition by Fname,Lname order by Fname,Lname) as RowNum

from SelectDuplicate


Select * from DeleteDuplicateRecords where RowNum>1


WITH DeleteDuplicateRecords AS


select Fname,id,Row_number() over (partition by Fname,Lname order by Fname,Lname) as RowNum

from SelectDuplicate


DELETE from DeleteDuplicateRecords where RowNum>1

Reference: Ritesh Shah