Convert local DateTime to UTC DateTime in SQL Server 200/2005

Friday, July 3, 2009 |

I have seen one question in many forums about asking how to convert local DateTime to UTC DateTime? This is really very simple task to done.  All you need to do is, get difference between your local datetime and UTC datetime. GetDate() function will you, your local DateTime and for UTC DateTime, you can use getUTCdate() function. Simply find the difference between these two DateTime in Minutes or in Hours and Add/Deduct that Minutes/Hours from your local datetime and you are done. Let us see how easily we can do it


select DATEADD(hh,datediff(hh,GETDATE(),getUTCdate()),GETDATE()) as 'UTC DateTime', GETDATE() as 'Local DateTime'

--or you can pass your own dateTime field or variable like this.

declare @dt datetime

set @dt='9/22/2009 1:25:00 PM'

select DATEADD(hh,datediff(hh,GETDATE(),getUTCdate()),@dt) as 'UTC DateTime'


Reference: Ritesh Shah
Note: Microsoft Books online is a default reference of all articles but examples and explanations prepared by Ritesh Shah, founder of


BrandonGalderisi said...

In you're code:

declare @dt datetime

set @dt='9/22/2009 1:25:00 PM'

select DATEADD(hh,datediff(hh,GETDATE(),getUTCdate()),@dt) as 'UTC DateTime'

You are using the current offset of GETDATE() and GETDATEUTC() to account for local time shift. What about for locale's that observe daylight savings time. Your calculation will incorrectly calculate the local time for values that are not in the same phase of daylight savings time. Other than that, looks good.


Ritesh Shah said...

Hi Brandon,

first of all, it is my absolute pleasure that almighty of SQLServerNation and MVP in queue left me comment, thank you very much for that. I will surely work on your very positive comment.