“T-SQL Challenges Beginners” has begun

Wednesday, October 14, 2009 |

T-SQL Challenges has started for some time now and have received really a great response from the community. The endeavor effort of these challenges is to enhance knowledge in SET based query. If you are really expert, you can check your knowledge, if you can’t solve challenge, even; get benefit by looking at solution given by other experts.

T-SQL Challenges are really hard to crack so if you are beginners or don’t have really good understanding in SET based theory; you will not be able to solve these challenges. Jacob Sebastian has promised to beginners that he will come up with T-SQL Challenges Beginners so that new SQL Programmer or even .NET programmer can twist their brain and can be a part of these challenges.  Name shows that “Beginners”, it doesn’t mean that seasoned programmer can’t take part in it. These challenges for everybody but it suppose to be bit easy than T-SQL Challenges.

The main motive of new challenges are, if you are not able to crack T-SQL Challenges, be part of T-SQL Challenges Beginners and develop your mind set with SET based theory so that in future, you will be able to crack T-SQL Challenges.

To motivate my programming team, I submitted first solution to this challenge and told my team member to give it a shot, hope many of them have submitted their entries too.

Reference: Ritesh Shah
Note: Microsoft Books online is a default reference of all articles but examples and explanations prepared by Ritesh Shah, founder of http://www.SQLHub.com