Unable to start debugging on web server. Debugging failed because integrated windows authentication is not enabled. Please see help for assistance.

Monday, April 6, 2009 |

Some time, when you create new web application of copy web folder from somewhere else and try to run it in your server and you will get annoying error message.

“Unable to start debugging on web server. Debugging failed because integrated windows authentication is not enabled. Please see help for assistance.”

You might surprise, why this error coming even after set virtual directory? This is very common error one might face during .NET web application development. Let us see how to resolve this.

-- Open your IIS
-- expand your server instance
-- expand “Web Sites”
--go to “Default Web site” if you are using that or else go to specific web site you are looking for, in your IIS
-- Right click on virtual folder or site; you want to fix this error for.
-- Click on “Property” window
-- It will open one dialog box and you will have to move to “Directory Security” tab.
-- Click on “Edit” button under “Authentication and access control”
-- Select check box of “integrated Windows Authentication”, click “Ok”

That’s it, you are done. Enjoy your web application now.

Reference: Ritesh Shah
http://www.sqlhub.comNote: Microsoft Books online is a default reference of all articles but examples and explanations prepared by Ritesh Shah, founder of http://www.SQLHub.com