Dynamic PIVOT with month number to month name as header in SQL Server 2008

Friday, May 8, 2009 |

I have written quite a few articles about PIVOT but this is somehow bit different than all of the previous article, the need is to create dynamic pivot table which shows month name as a header for country and display the count of sales amount. Main thing is to display month name as a header where as we have month number in data, moreover, it should be dynamic PIVOT as # of month is not fixed, may be 1 or 2 or 12 (can’t have more than 12 -;) )
Let us create one dummy table along with data to start our PIVOT journey.

--table for demo
create table testing
country varchar(10),
[Month] int,
Amount int
--dummy data
insert into testing
select 'A-land',6,100 union all
select 'B-Land',5,110  union all
select 'B-Land',7,90  union all
select 'C-Land',6,200  union all
select 'C-Land',2,70  union all
select 'D-Land',8,30
--PIVOT script
SET @Cols=''
--collect distinct month we have in table
SELECT @Cols=@Cols+ '['+DATENAME(month,convert(varchar,s.[month])+'-1-1900') +']'+ ', ' FROM
(SELECT DISTINCT [MONTH] FROM testing ) AS s order by s.[Month]
--remove last comma
SET @Cols=LEFT(@Cols,LEN(@Cols)-1)
--our pivot will display Month name though we have Month number in table.
SET @Cols='SELECT * from (select country,DATENAME(month,convert(varchar,[month])+ ''-1-1900'') as [Month] ,amount FROM testing) up
PIVOT (count(amount) for [month] in ('+@cols+')) AS pivo'
--execute our dynamic query resides in @COL variable
EXECUTE sp_executeSQL @Cols

If you want to look at my other PIVOT example than do look those at:

Reference: Ritesh Shah
Note: Microsoft Books online is a default reference of all articles but examples and explanations prepared by Ritesh Shah, founder of


Unknown said...

hi, your articles is very nice.iam new to ssis.iam following ur articles .i using pivot transformation but i did not get the correct result,please help me.wer how will i send my query.

Anonymous said...

I get this error

--execute our dynamic query resides in @COL variable
EXECUTE sp_executeSQL @Cols
Msg 137, Level 15, State 2, Line 2
Must declare the scalar variable "@Cols"

Ritesh Shah said...

you have to execute complete script given below at the same time.

--PIVOT script
SET @Cols=''
--collect distinct month we have in table
SELECT @Cols=@Cols+ '['+DATENAME(month,convert(varchar,s.[month])+'-1-1900') +']'+ ', ' FROM
(SELECT DISTINCT [MONTH] FROM testing ) AS s order by s.[Month]
--remove last comma
SET @Cols=LEFT(@Cols,LEN(@Cols)-1)
--our pivot will display Month name though we have Month number in table.
SET @Cols='SELECT * from (select country,DATENAME(month,convert(varchar,[month])+ ''-1-1900'') as [Month] ,amount FROM testing) up
PIVOT (count(amount) for [month] in ('+@cols+')) AS pivo'
--execute our dynamic query resides in @COL variable
EXECUTE sp_executeSQL @Cols

Anonymous said...

cool , thanks

Anonymous said...

is possible to change this code for SQL 2000 ?

Ritesh Shah said...

unfortunately, it is not possible directly in 2000